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We can understand both the past and ourselves better if we study history than if we choose to ignore or dismiss it as irrelevant. 

Q: Can we even learn from history? 

A: Well, it depends on how you look at it... much like the optimistic or pessimistic saying "is the glass half empty, or half full?" If one chooses to view the past with an open mind and provide historical empathy for the period, then they will ultimately better understand themselves and and what went down in history. The opposite viewpoint provides a selfish, stuck-up, and narrow minded attitude that rather chooses to ignore and dismiss the historical information as "old news."

Q: What can one learn from history?

A: Learning about the past is much more than memorizing battles, warriors, and senseless dates; it provides a whole different way of looking at and understanding things. Learning about history, in any form, has many utilities... from learning about people, change, cultures, and time. History gives us an example, one that we can choose to follow or choose to create another path. It teaches people  fact from fiction and how to decipher patterns that have occurred in the past. 

Q: What can you learn about yourself when studying history?

A: When studying history you can learn more about yourself and where you came from... your people, your places, your hardships, and your triumphs. This may bring about pride in where you came from all while connecting you to distant time, people, and events. 

Q: In what ways will we miss out if choose to ignore and dismiss history as irrelevant? 

A: "History will repeat itself." Although history already does repeat itself (ex: the Great Depression, Economic Issues USA is having now) if we turn a blank eye on the study of historical events we deem the past as unimportant. Lessons will be left untold, people will travel down the same road, and mistakes will not be corrected. The study of history provides an incredible opportunity to learn from someone else; to not talk, but listen and learn from the ones before you.


View this interesting article that inspired me to write about history and the importance the subject has in our lives. 

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