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Cultural: Individuals in different cultures may may  be influenced by different types of evidence. For example, those cultures that have lower average education may rely on experiential evidence to provide them with truth because of a lack of access to other types of evidence. 


Age: Different age groups are also influenced by different types of evidence as well as different amounts of evidence. Younger age groups generally require less supporting evidence for a claim to accept it as truth, and lean towards experiential evidence rather than scientific evidence.

Gender: Both men and women are likely to be influenced more by evidence that is presented by someone of the same gender because they tend to trust people of the same gender more.

Religion: Many religions require their followers to believe something when there is more evidence showing that it is false than there is showing that it is true. For Christians this is called faith. An example can be found in the beliefs of creationists who, despite overwhelming evidence that suggests that the world was not created in the time frame given by the Bible, assert that the world was created in the way the Bible describes based on faith. 

​Economic: Those who are poor, which is correlated with inadequate education, may require less evidence to prove something true simply because they have not learned what is an appropriate amount of evidence to support an ideas truth. 


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