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Perspective Change


​How can we believe anything we are told unless we figure it out for ourselves?

As humans, we naturally look for a quick answer whether it be from our friend or a quick google search. We don't realize that often times we are manipulated to believe what we want and what the information giver wants. This is what we call a "half-truth". Take any commercial on T.V. The small print on the bottom of the screen is impossible to read for a reason, and what we want to see is left in giant print.


Statistics are easily manipulated in several ways.

1. Discarding Unfavorable Data

2. Using Biased Samples

3. Generalizing

These are just some of the ways the public can be given the half-truth. It is unfortunate because the only thing we can do about it is do the research for ourselves about products and other information. 

Below is a video explaining why we believe weird things.

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